We are convinced that truth, passion, faith, hope, love, compassion, joy, sincerity, and zeal are some of the absolutes this world is craving. We are also convinced that we have the unique and crazy responsibility of pouring all of our convictions into the God-anthems that we have the honor of leading. Simply put, a life of worship is an outward expression of an inside transformation.
Our worship, no matter the place or avenue, is all about moving into a deeper relationship with the One who made us and loves us.

While worship comes in many forms, music, in particular, has the power to resonate with any soul. Once you combine that with Jesus, you have a very powerful tool. If you are gifted in singing, playing an instrument, running a sound board, lighting, or technology, we would love to talk to you more about serving in our Worship Arts team.
Thank you for applying to serve in the Worship Arts Ministry!
This application process is designed to help us learn more about your character and Spiritual maturity, as well as to make sure you understand the physical, relational, and Spiritual commitment that it takes to make this ministry happen.
It is always our goal to:
• Grow closer to Christ and mature in our understanding of God.
• Improve ourselves musically and creatively.
• Be accountable and faithful to our commitments.
We believe in the importance of our team members being actively involved in the life of this church on Sunday mornings whether serving or not. Your effort in upholding this value is appreciated.