April 30, 2023

Lord, teach us to pray

Do you struggle to pray? How does prayer work? Is anyone even listening? What if you say the wrong thing? These are the questions every single one of us have wrestled through when it comes to prayer. Yet when Jesus taugh his disciples to pray, he wasn’t teaching them to pray more or pray harder or pray a formula, he was teaching them to pray differently… to pray like Him. Jesus prayed with both familiarity and reverence. When Jesus prayed, heaven moved. And His prayer life is available to you. Join us as we invite Jesus to teach us how to pray.


(Fiscal Year Began June 1, 2022)

Last Week       Weekly Need      YTD

$ 13,500 $5,000    + $63,032

Set up Online Giving Here: newlifewayland.org/give


VIRTUAL & IN PERSON SERVICES | 9:00am and 11 am or Newlifewayland.org/live; Facebook or YouTube

NEW LIFE KIDS | Check out the Facebook Group - Newlife Wayland KIDS

NEW GUESTS | We have a gift for you - please visit: www.newlifewayland.org/NEW

NEW LIFE ESSENTIALS | Tuesday 11 am - 1 pm and the 1st Wednesday of each month 6 pm - 8 pm

TACOS & TESTIMONIES | Sunday, May 28th 9AM & 11AM