1. Time

  • Be intentional with the last 10 minutes of your day for 3-5 days this week. We recommend doing this prayer time at the end of your day as an invitation to experience God as you reflect on your day.

2. Place:

  • Find a place that is quiet and as distraction free as possible. A comfortable chair with a blanket and candle nearby works well for a lot of people. Weather permitting, a park or nature reserve are also a good bet. Maybe your front porch or backyard patio.

  • For most people, sitting with your back straight, shoulders relaxed, legs on the floor is a good start. Others do better lying on their back in a relaxed position.

  • Some of you may prefer to do this exercise while walking or doing something simple with your hands, like laundry or drawing.

3. Space:

  • Make space… silence your phone, limit distractions. Wait until kids are in bed. Take long, deep, slow breaths (if you want, count 4 seconds in, 4 seconds wait, 4 seconds out, repeat).

  • Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth.

  • Start to pay attention to your breathing. Just “watch” your breath go in and out.

  • Release the constant chatter in your mind. Let each thought go as quickly as it comes, and just focus on your breathing.