Thank you for your interest in hosting a group… building community where others have the chance to connect with each other and God is one of the most important roles in the church. We’ve gathered some resources here to help guide you as you launch a new group. It’s a super exciting process and not near as difficult as you might think.


  • Consider the size of your group. Often, people say that a group size of 8 to 12 people allows for great conversation and still allows for people to feel more comfortable sharing. It’s only a guideline but it does affect what locations might fit and also whether the group needs to be able to split into smaller groups in order to be more interactive (Example: multiple round tables at church)

  • Consider the location where you will meet so that it will be convenient for the people who you hope to attract to your group. The group doesn’t have to meet at the home of the Group Guide if that location doesn’t work out the best. It might turn out that the best location would be at another member’s home, rotating homes, or even at the church building.

  • Create a welcoming environment with chairs set up so that everyone can see each other

  • Greet people as they come in, and if it’s their first meeting, make sure that they know where they can find anything they need.

  • Consider providing light snacks and beverages. As you get to know each other you can ask if others want to help with snacks on a rotating basis. Be sure to be conscious of any special dietary restrictions that members or their kids might have so that there is something safe for everyone. (Example: gluten, nuts, dairy and other allergies as well diabetic friendly snacks)

  • When you first start the group or when new members join in, then it might be a good time to make use of the “Getting to Know You” questions that are also available on this website.

  • Remember that good hospitality is a piece of helping to create a good environment to promote the sense of community. Never underestimate the power of conversation while snacking :-)



Below are some Scriptures that provide the basis for the list of characteristics of people who help to lead others in their faith journey.

  • Acts 6:1-7

  • 1 Timothy 3:1-10

  • 1 Peter 5:1-4

  • Titus 1:7-16

  • Displays the Fruit of the Spirit (Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control)

  • Possesses common sense

  • Has a firm faith (not a new believer)

  • Unquestionable integrity / above reproach

  • Good reputation / good standing

  • Faithful in relationships

  • Sets example of holy living

  • Not overbearing or hot tempered

  • Not involved in questionable money making

  • Competent to discern and share sound doctrine

Expectations of a Group HOST 

  • Attends a Zero Collective Church on a regular basis

  • Senses the call of God to step into a Group Guide role

  • Possesses a teachable spirit and is willing to learn

  • Prioritizes time for preparing and communicating with the group

  • Is motivated to connect, care, and create community with others


Myth: You have to know the Bible inside and out. 

Truth: You need to believe the Bible is God’s word and be a lifelong learner

Myth: You need to have all the answers 

Truth: You need to be able to ask questions 

Myth: You need to be a natural born leader 

Truth: You need to love God, care about people, and be willing to try with support from the church

Myth: You must have a perfect house

Truth: There are multiple options for where to gather…and you don’t want to be in community with people who would judge your living room anyway. 

Myth: It will take too much time 

Truth: It CAN FIT SURPRISINGLY WELL INTO YOUR SCHEDULE. It takes way less time than Facebook, golf, or binging on Netflix