In our fast-paced transient culture, there’s just something life changing about connecting with other Christ followers, where it’s a safe place to know and be known, love and be loved, and serve and be served. Healthy vibrant groups provide both challenge and encouragement for the spiritual journey – something everyone desires! God created us to crave a relationship with himself and with others. Groups are one of the best ways for people to get to know other people in the church and to experience a sense of belonging. 

Groups and community were built into the original design that God had for His church. In fact, after Jesus died, groups of people began gathering in various homes to worship, study the scriptures, and support each other. People today need a smaller group of Christian friends to connect and care for them just like they did back then. The role of a pastor was never designed to provide care and connectedness for all the people in a church. It sounds good but most of us know it just isn’t possible for one person to know and care for everyone. 

Group member values

  • WE GATHER FOR A Clear Purpose:  To grow healthy, spiritual lives by building a healthy small group community.

  • WE MAKE COMMUNITY A PRIORITY IN OUR LIVES:  To give priority to the group meeting (email if you will be absent or late).

  • WE ARE A SAFE ENVIRONMENT:  To create a safe place where people can be heard and feel loved (no quick answers, snap judgments, or simple fixes). To keep anything that is shared strictly confidential and within the group.

  • WE FIGHT FOR Conflict RESOLUTION:  To avoid gossip and to immediately resolve any concerns by following the principles of Matthew 18:15-17

  • WE SPEAK INTO EACH OTHER’S LIVES:  To give group members permission to speak into my life and help me live a healthy, balanced spiritual life that is pleasing to God

  • WE INVEST IN BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS:  To get to know the other members of the group and pray for them regularly.